From Simon Levi |
Simon is 23 days old today! My, how time goes quickly, and yet I'm still in a fog. Simon was very dear today during the 8'oclock kangarooing. He was working very hard at sucking on his little green pacifier off and on for about 5 minutes. This is a great time for him to practice sucking and I'm told that it takes a lot of coordination for preemies to suckle, breathe and swallow. For now we'll just practice!
We both had a hard time leaving the NICU today. It's always difficult when we have to leave him with a nurse we don't know very well. How is he cared for? Who is his advocate when we're not there? I cried all the way from the elevator to the car because I worry for my sweet son. It's not right for our family to be split up like this. We should all be in one place, at home.