
From Simon Levi

Simon is 23 days old today! My, how time goes quickly, and yet I'm still in a fog. Simon was very dear today during the 8'oclock kangarooing. He was working very hard at sucking on his little green pacifier off and on for about 5 minutes. This is a great time for him to practice sucking and I'm told that it takes a lot of coordination for preemies to suckle, breathe and swallow. For now we'll just practice!
We both had a hard time leaving the NICU today. It's always difficult when we have to leave him with a nurse we don't know very well. How is he cared for? Who is his advocate when we're not there? I cried all the way from the elevator to the car because I worry for my sweet son. It's not right for our family to be split up like this. We should all be in one place, at home.


From Simon Levi
Both Perry and I were able to go to the NICU this morning which was a good change for my normal routine. After washing our hands we looked at his chart and read that he gained over an ounce yesterday. Our big little guy now weighs in at 3 lbs. 8 oz! The footed sleeper that Kathy dressed him in this morning is a perfect fit except for the toe area which seemed a little crowded. His feedings are up to 32 ml every 3 hours and a dose of caffine (not starbucks) every 12 hours.
I overheard a Doctor talking to a group of students about Simon. He said, "Pretty much all there is to say is that Simon's gaining weight steadily and has only a few Bradys and Apneas which we are confident he will outgrow." Great news! Not bad at all for a 31 week (gestational age) baby boy.