
We needed this picture taken for our church directory. The hospital setting wasn't quite the background we wanted. So, Becca put some of her photoshop skills to work and combined a picture of her and Simon in the hospital with a picture taken of me at our home. A great family shot! Soon this will become a reality and Simon WILL be home. We are anxious for the next month or so to pass so we can all be together.


From Simon Levi
Simon is growing right before our eyes! Today marks one month since he came into the world as a scrawny little guy. Now he is over 4 lbs and is working on being a little chubby boy. Every day when we go in to see him it amazes me that he is able to continually put on the kind of weight he does. One day this week he put on 90 mg! Usually it is much less ranging from 20 - 50. Becca asked the nurse if it was healthy for him to gain so much weight in so little time. She said that the weight he is putting on is mostly from proteins instead of lipids, except for the lipids in Mom's milk, and that it's perfectly safe for him. She also said that sometimes there will be a plateau after significant weight gain.
We are just so happy that we are able to hold him, communicate with him and love him. He gets cuter each day!


From Simon Levi


From Simon Levi
This was a really busy weekend for both Simon and his parents. While Perry was working hard with his school groups to ready them for the Saturday Parade of Lights, I spent a much needed morning with girlfreinds in Colorado Springs. Meanwhile, Simon gained more weight, putting him a pound over his birthweight at 3 lbs 11 oz!
Sunday brought more excitement as our primary nurse informed us that his isolette was at the lowest heat setting, signifying that Simon was soon ready for an open air crib. While we were there with Simon, Dr. Olthoff approved the nurses decision and Simon made the move. It's so much easier to see his darling face, change his diapers, and do other baby maintenance. It's also thrilling to know that this is one more step closer to coming home, as he needs to be able to maintain normal body temperature on his own.
Simon also had his feeding increased to 34 ml and has the addition of Bena-protein to create a fortified milkshake. After a blood test Monday morning, we discovered he has slight anemia, which is a natual result of gaining so much body weight. Although his body is trying to correct this imbalance, it was decided to give him a little help by adding an iron suppliment to his milk as well. We thank God daily for Simon's continued progress and thank everyone for their prayers and support. He is an amazing and beautiful boy.