
From Life in Colorado
The Blizzard of 2006! We didn't know until late Tuesday night that a storm was approaching the Denver area. Wednesday morning when Perry woke up at 5 am for school, there was only a dusting of snow and yet school was already cancelled. Before the storm got too serious, we headed into the NICU and were able to see Simon until about 5 pm. At that point, we realized we'd better get home or we were going to be sleeping there. The nurses were prepared to pull a 36 hour shift, taking turns getting 6 hours of sleep in between their marathon shift. We knew Simon was in good hands because he had one of his primary nurses, Janice. The drive home was slippery with 14 inches of snow and white out conditions as we traversed onward. We knew we wouldn't be able to make it to the NICU Thursday as 30+ inches of snow was forecasted. The 27" of snow was beautiful Thursday morning, but we guessed correctly- a trip to the NICU wasn't safe. When we called Janice, she reported that Simon was doing great, weighing in at 4 lbs, 12 oz. AND he hadn't had any bradys or sleep apnea during the night. We were thrilled with the news- that puts him 2 lbs. over his birthweight!


From Simon Levi
Today was dress-up day for Simon. Becca has been threatening for the past couple of days to get some Christmas clothes and take some pictures for thank you notes. We are going to have to make a million copies to get close to thanking everyone who has helped us during this time. Anyways, here is our fuzzy wuzzy Christmas guy all dressed up but nowhere to go! I think this is a great shirt that will double well for a Nautical themed day. Simon is a few grams shy of 4 1/2 lbs. Way to go skipper!